POINTS OF LIGHT 928 EAST FIFTH STREET VOLUME IV #4 Brooklyn, New York 11230-2104 Published by: Temple of the Eternal Light (718) 438-4878 An "Omni-Denominational" Religious Fellowship _____________________________________________________ WELCOME ALL READERS. POINTS OF LIGHT is the monthly newsletter of TEMPLE OF THE ETERNAL LIGHT. It is an open forum for anyone to send in articles, poetry, short, short, stories, advertising or anything else. We desire it to blossom into a cornucopia of fact, or fantasy relating to modern magickal living, spiritual growth and a network linking all members of our human family by a chain of fellowship. With wishes for Love and L.V.X. Rt. Rev. Jerome Peartree, Publisher Rev. Karen DePolito, Editor ****************************************************************************** OPEN INVITATION TO ALL This event is open to both members and non-members. Please call a day in advance and let us know you are coming. SATURDAY MAY 4, at 8:00 P.M. BELTAINE CELEBRATION Donation: Bring yourself, a friend, some food or drink. $1.00 Optional JOIN US FOR THIS VERY SPECIAL SABBAT ***************************************************************************** REPRINTED AS APPROPRIATE FOR APRIL 1 A Lesson in Paradox 101 "I" am but a character in a play directed by a director who "I am" who is far greater than the character who "I" am initially realizes. Moreso, the director who "I am", knows everything about the character who "I" am, even more than the character who "I" am knows about me. But, the character who "I" am who is me, knows little about the director who "I am". Moreso, it is the prime function of the character who "I" am who is me to learn about the director who "I am" and also about the character "I" am who is me. But, the character who "I" am doesn't always realize, if ever "I" realize, it is my prime function to learn that who "I am" is, is me. Moreso, the director who "I am" has provided a path for the character who "I" am to see who "I am" and realize who "I am" is, is me. Therefore, "I" am that "I am" which also means "I am" who "I" am and I am who I is, or is I? Actually, the director who "I am" is the same person as the character "I" am, or am I? What does this ALL mean? God only knows? That's the paradox! At this point go out and get ......Whee! "enlightened" Ponder over that for a while. ****************************************************************** POEMS FROM THE PEN OF ROBERT B.* ...WITH PEACE, LOVE AND HARMONY Shadows fade to the light of your Way When the road you go is the one you sow And is not the planting of others. Then the beauty of the glow in the things you know Are no more sawn in half By motion chosen from some imagined lack in self. Philosopher, only able to ponder the Work, You wonder why the Universe is such a big pie for one Just to stick his thumb in. When the Mage, who is only able to do the Work, Dies and Lives by responsibility taken in the making of the Universe That which he Wills it to be. The Philosopher eats his truth about temporality inarticulately. The Mage makes the Truth for all to see for all eternity. Inspiration is a thing a person waits for, Not wanting to take responsibility for what it is they plan to do So if their doubts come true, They can blame it on those whom they say motivated them. Ah, safe responsibility-lessness...Sweet mystical bullturd raps about the flow, Karmic Cosmics and borrowed faces. LAUGHTER IS PART OF KNOWING MYSELF! by: Jerome One of the most frequent questions I am asked is what does the Temple teach? The answer is very simple...develop the ability to laugh at yourself. Yes, I mean laugh at yourself. Far too many people take life too seriously. For the mystic who is assumed to know that our physical existence is, in reality, an illusion....being overly serious about him/herself is simply an ego manifestation. Daily, I am asked to develop a rapport with a classroom of adolescents in the Big Apple. These are generally street-wise and school ignorant students foisted upon society by often neglectful parents. Humor is not always in their daily regimen. Yet, I stand in front of a class and tell jokes, allow them to make fun of me and at me. I show them I can laugh at myself as easily as I can present the material for them to learn. For example, at the end of for one of their quizzes I added..... "EXTRA CREDIT: LEARNING IS A SERIOUS BUSINESS. HOWEVER, THERE IS TIME FOR LAUGHTER. FOR TEN POINTS NEATLY PRINT A "GOOD" JOKE HERE. (EN ESPANOL O INGLES)" Their reaction was one of enjoyment, particularly as I read one joke printed by a young lady in the class. "Three peoples went to country. Two could stay at the house. Shani say, "I go to sleep in the barn." Knock Knock "Who there?" "Shani." " What's the matter?" "Can't sleep pigs too smelly." O.K. Duran go to the barn. Knock Knock "Who there?" "Duran!" "What's the matter." "Pigs too smelly, can't sleep." O.K. Mr. Jerome, he go to the barn. Knock Knock."Who's there? "Pigs at window. "What's the matter pigs." "Can't sleep with that smelly man in the barn." Needless to say the class roared with laughter as I read the joke. I read all the jokes. We had a good time. The class left on a Friday afternoon in a good mood. When Monday morning arrived the classes returned..it was business as usual. But, for a moment I had broken through their reserve...with humor. How did I develop this attitude. It was easy and enjoyable. Every morning as I faced the mirror in the bathroom, razor in hand.. I would spent a moment staring at my face. Then, I begin to make silly faces at myself in the mirror. You can do whatever you like...stick out your tongue, pull your ears..roll your eyes... I perform this HAPPY RITUAL every morning! I do this until I began to laugh. ... After all, my classes have to look at my face all day. If it is solemn or sad...the class reflects that mood in their attitude. But, if I can present a happy face. Knowing that after I leave the bathroom I will not have to look at my face again until evening. But, everyone I meet will have to look at my face. How could I, in all sincerity, ask someone else to suffer by being forced to see a sad, or angry or malevolent face. Not me!!!! So I roll my ears, and flop out my tongue...Yech! I even kid people about having a picture of me when I was twenty years younger pasted over the bathroom mirror. "That is the face I shave", I say. And, believe it or not. My face appears twenty years younger. I leave the bathroom centered and ready for the job I am asked to perform daily. This is how I fulfill the biblical/wiccan/pagan injunction of "know thyself". This is what our/my Temple teaches. This is what I have learned. HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!